Discover our grass-fed beef spaghetti sauce, made with love and exclusively from local products. This incredibly flavorful sauce seamlessly combines the richness of grass-fed beef with the freshness of locally grown ingredients.
Our recipe begins with a careful selection of beef raised on our lush pastures, where the animals benefit from a natural diet based on local herbs and forages. This premium meat gives our sauce an authentic flavor and tender texture.
To complete this unforgettable taste experience, we only use carefully chosen local ingredients, grown with passion by our regional producers. From juicy, sun-ripened tomatoes to fresh, hand-picked herbs, each component is selected for its exceptional quality and taste.
Carefully prepared in our artisan kitchen, our grass-fed beef spaghetti sauce delivers a burst of flavor that evokes the warmth and friendliness of home-cooked meals. Treat yourself to an authentic culinary experience, supporting local producers and savoring the best of our land.
Comment décongeler ses viandes?
La meilleure façon de décongeler les viandes est au réfrigérateur. C’est l’option la plus sécuritaire puisque les microorganismes s’y développent plus lentement. De plus, c’est la technique qui donne une viande de meilleure qualité, car elle conserve mieux son humidité.Idéalement, on recommande de consommer les coupes de viande surgelées dans les 12 mois suivant la date d’emballage.
La surgélation affecte-t-elle la valeur nutritive?
Chez Mon Beau Bon Bœuf, toutes nos coupes de viandes sont vendues surgelées afin de préserver la qualité jusque dans votre assiette.
La surgélation (congélation rapide) est un procédé industriel pour refroidir beaucoup plus rapidement et à une température plus froide que la congélation traditionnelle. Cette technique conserve mieux la texture ainsi que les qualités nutritionnelles et organoleptiques des aliments en comparaison à la congélation.
D’un point de vue nutritionnel, la surgélation permet de bien sauvegarder les nutriments, mis à part la vitamine C qui est sensible à la chaleur et au froid. Cette vitamine ne se trouve toutefois pas dans la viande.
Questions and answers
How to defrost your meat?
The best way to defrost meat is in the refrigerator.
This is the safest option since microorganisms develop more slowly. In addition, this is the technique that produces better quality meat because it retains its moisture better. Ideally, it is recommended to consume frozen cuts of meat within 12 months of the packaging date.
Does freezing affect nutritional value?
At Mon Beau Bon Bœuf, all our cuts of meat are sold frozen in order to preserve the quality even on your plate.
Deep freezing (quick freezing) is an industrial process for cooling much faster and to a colder temperature than traditional freezing. This technique better preserves the texture as well as the nutritional and organoleptic qualities of foods compared to freezing.
From a nutritional point of view, freezing allows nutrients to be well preserved, apart from vitamin C which is sensitive to heat and cold. However, this vitamin is not found in meat.