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Bienvenue à la ferme Mon Beau Bon Bœuf

Une ferme éco-responsable offrant du bœuf nourri à l’herbe, du lapin, du poulet, de la dinde et des plats préparés ici, avec des produits d'ici.

Dishes prepared with local products

Delicious meals based on fresh local produce. From the meadow directly to your plate!

100% grass-fed beef

At Mon Beau Bon Boeuf, we let nature take its course and our cows grow at their own pace. Thus, no beef receives hormones to accelerate its growth. We also promote sustainable agriculture, without the use of herbicides.

From our farms directly to your house

Buying meat from Mon Beau Bon Bœuf means buying directly from local producers. Our sales process is done without intermediaries. Therefore, our cattle do not go through feedlots and do not consume any grain.

100% grass-fed beef

Locally bred

From our farms directly to your house

About our company and its suppliers

The story of Mon Beau Bon Boeuf began when Frédéric Fortin and his family acquired their first Galloway beef. They quickly got the bug: they adopted a second, then a third, and now have a complete herd. Wanting to make grass-fed beef more accessible, the family partnered with several Quebec breeders of Galloway and Black Angus beef. They have established a one-of-a-kind online butcher shop featuring exclusively grass-fed beef.

About our company and its suppliers

The story of Mon Beau Bon Boeuf began when Frédéric Fortin and his family acquired their first Galloway beef. They quickly got the bug: they adopted a second, then a third, and now have a complete herd. Wanting to make grass-fed beef more accessible, the family partnered with several Quebec breeders of Galloway and Black Angus beef. They have established a one-of-a-kind online butcher shop featuring exclusively grass-fed beef.

Our latest blog articles

Discover our superior quality products

Cuts of meat, prepared meals, boxes and many other products.