Exclusively grass-fed beef does not contain growth hormones . By choosing meats from grass-fed animals, you are supporting an industry that does not use unnecessary hormones or antibiotics.
Hormones are substances that have been used for decades to improve the growth and efficiency of animals. In Canada, they have been present in the cattle industry since the 1960s . They make it possible to considerably increase meat production by beef farmers. Also called " growth stimulators ", these hormones are administered behind the animal's ear, in the form of subcutaneous implants.
In 1988 , a law came into force in Europe to ban the use of growth promoters on livestock farms. In Canada and the United States , hormones are still used today to promote the growth of muscle tissue in cattle.
Farmers can give their animals hormones to improve their growth, but they must always follow specific rules for using these hormones. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) enforces these rules by regularly inspecting meat production facilities. These rules are designed to limit hormone residues in meat products to very low levels.
So if hormones have been used for more than fifty years and there are safety rules, why choose hormone-free meat?
Researchers question the safety of meat containing growth hormones. They fear disruption of the human endocrine system due to its consumption. The presence of growth stimulators in meat could also increase the risk of cancer linked to estradiol, an estrogen, according to an article published in the magazine Québec Science .
Several studies contradict each other and are contested by many scientists. They believe that the assessment methods are not sufficiently reliable to allow a definitive conclusion regarding the effects of hormone residues on humans.
Currently, there is little evidence to support or refute the safety claims of those who advocate hormone-free meat. However, it is important to be aware of this debate and make your own decision regarding growth hormones in meat.
It must be remembered that by raising beef using growth hormones, factory farms put productivity ahead of the well-being of the animal. Confined animal feeding operations are defined as factory farms , involving large numbers of animals raised in enclosed spaces . On these farms, animals are often given large quantities of antibiotics . In contrast, grass-fed cattle can roam freely in their pasture, and are mostly raised without antibiotics .
When you choose grass-fed beef, you can rest assured that you are supporting an industry that places great importance on animal welfare and the environment .
At Mon Beau Bon Boeuf , all our beef breeders feed their animals on grass. They raise their livestock without hormones and without antibiotics , while respecting the environment . To purchase grass-fed beef , visit our online butcher shop.