Did you know that red meat has several benefits? Not only is it easy to find, but some research suggests it's good for your health . People shouldn't feel guilty about eating beef, according to several nutrition experts. It's more important to focus on eating unprocessed foods than fat content.
Processed meat vs. unprocessed meat
It is first important to distinguish between processed and unprocessed red meat. Nutritional values vary greatly from one product to another. This is why you must choose carefully what type of meat to consume, and always favor unprocessed red meat.
Processed meats, such as sausage and bacon, contain more fat and salt. This makes it less attractive than unprocessed meat. For the same amount of protein and vitamins, more saturated fat and sodium are ingested. According to Canada's Food Guide , consuming too much processed meats can increase the risk of colon cancer.
An important source of protein, iron and vitamin B
Red meat is an excellent source of iron, protein and vitamin B. Did you know that iron deficiency mainly affects women? Heavy bleeding during periods can cause iron deficiency . The demand for iron also increases significantly for pregnant women.
Foods rich in iron include eggs, seafood and red meat . The iron in red meat is high quality heme iron. It is better absorbed by the human body than iron found in plants.
Red meat also contains creatine, an amino acid derivative. A low intake of this nutrient can impact muscle tissue , as well as cognitive functions such as memory.
By opting for grass-fed beef , you will get a greater amount of vitamin B12 and good cholesterol (HDL) than by consuming grain-fed beef. It’s a winning choice for your health!
Benefits for the muscles
Eating red meat can also be beneficial for muscles, due to the high amount of protein it contains. A study published in The American Journal of clinical nutrition demonstrated this. Eating lean red meat combined with exercise may help strengthen muscles in older women, according to the results of this study.
Which cuts of beef to choose?
Of course, you need to be selective in choosing your cuts to balance the nutrient intake and the amount of fat in the meat. The level of marbling varies from one cut to another. Sirloin tip steak and top sirloin are among the leanest cuts. Lean cuts of meat are preferred to maximize the benefits of red meat.
You will find these cuts of beef and several others on our online butcher shop. At Mon Beau Bon Boeuf , we only raise grass-fed beef, to offer you the best possible quality!